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Service and Usage Agreement

HomepageService and Usage Agreement

Madarász László E.V. 2040 Budaörs, Hajnal utca 4. (tax number: 65489426-1-51, VIES - EU tax number: HU65489426, registration number: 15934478, contact: info@silverhost.hu , website: https://www.silverhost.hu , phone: + 36-30-201-6113) as the Service Provider defines the services provided by it in these General Terms and Conditions of Use (hereinafter: GTC), the services provided by it the range of persons entitled to use the services and the conditions of use of the services they provide.

1. Definitions

1.1. Supplier: Madarász László E.V. 2040 Budaörs, Hajnal utca 4. (tax number: 65489426-1-51, VIES - EU tax number: HU65489426, registration number: 15934478, contact: info@silverhost.hu , website: https://www.silverhost.hu , phone: + 36-30-201-6113)

1.2. GTC: these General Terms and Conditions Webhosting, Game server, Website creation for Services.

1.3. Order form: The pages of the online contracting interface developed by the Service Provider containing data and parameters related to the order.

1.4. Subscriber: a natural person, legal entity or unincorporated business company as defined in the Order Form, who or which has a domicile or registered office in Hungary, has never been banned from https://www.silverhost.hu, able-bodied, past 16 years old, in case of minor, the legal consent of his / her legal representative to the Service Provider, by registering he accepts these GTC and uses the Service.

1.5. Agreement: the agreement concluded between the Subscriber and the Service Provider for the use of the Service, which consists of the GTC and the Order Form.

1.6. Service: Act CVIII of 2001 on certain issues of electronic commerce services and information society services. (hereinafter: Eker Act) and the hosting service specified in Section 2 (lc) of the Eker Act. TV. § 2. jc) cloud-based computing service, in the framework of which the Service Provider provides the Subscriber with the use of storage and / or cloud-based computing services with technical characteristics (data file capacity, processor performance, virtual memory, etc.) corresponding to the Service Package subscribed by the Subscriber.
Subscriber does not manage or maintain the underlying server infrastructure, but does manage and maintain the hosting and / or cloud computing service, programs, mail and other files installed on it.

1.7. Tariff: the pricing published by the Service Provider on the Service's website, including the fees to be paid by the Subscriber with regard to the use of the Service pursuant to the Contract. Prices are subject to tax.

1.8. Party or Parties: Service Provider and Subscriber separately or jointly.

1.9. Online customer portal: An interface provided by the Service Provider on which the Subscriber can perform his / her tasks related to the Service, invoicing and other communication online. Access address: https://www.silverhost.hu

2. Terms of Service

2.1. Within the framework of the contract, the Service Provider provides the Subscriber with access to the Service with technical parameters (storage capacity, processor, memory, etc.) corresponding to the Service Package. The Service Provider ensures access to the Service with an annual availability of 99%. Within this framework, the Service Provider uses the appropriate hardware and software tools necessary for safe operation and offers appropriate environmental conditions. In case of renting a web host, the Service is used via the Keyhelp Control Panel web server interface, nn case of renting a game server the Service is used via the Ptrodactyl Control Panel game server interface and the online customer portal interface.

2.2. Pursuant to the Contract, the Service Provider undertakes to provide the following technical conditions with regard to the email accounts available for the web hosting service rental: pop3, imap, smtp, webmail access, email redirection.

2.3. Within the framework of the Service, the Subscriber does not acquire the right of disposal over the affected hardware or software device, only over the ordered Service to the extent specified in the Agreement. Subscriber is entitled to install and run programs on the subscribed virtual infrastructure within the framework of the Service, but in the course of this activity he may not engage in any act that violates the Criminal Code or is otherwise illegal.

2.4. The Subscriber acknowledges that the Service Provider does not provide him with physical access to the IT tools on which the Service is based, the data is only available to him electronically.

2.5. The Subscriber is responsible for backing up his data (files, databases, email, etc.) uploaded or otherwise created by him within the framework of the Service. There are several options for backing up: Keyhelp Control Panel backup, FTP access, phpMyAdmin database export, Pterodactyl Control Panel backup,. The Service Provider intends to provide server-side data backup as a free option outside the service to the Subscriber on a daily basis for 5 days, but the Service Provider does not take any responsibility for the failure to do so.

2.6. Periodic maintenance that causes a temporary interruption of the Service may not exceed 6 hours at a time. The number of regular maintenance should not exceed 24 hours every six months. Maintenance that does not involve the suspension of the Service may be performed by the Service Provider for an unlimited period of time. Regular maintenance time that causes a temporary interruption of the Service is not included in the calculation of the availability time.

2.7. The Service Provider shall inform the Subscriber of the regular maintenance work requiring the temporary suspension of the Service at least 24 hours before the commencement of the work in accordance with the rules of contact. In the information, the Service Provider is obliged to describe the purpose of regular maintenance and when and for how long the interruption is expected to occur.

2.8. If the suspension of the Service occurs for a reason attributable to the Service Provider, the Subscriber is entitled to a fee refund, as follows. The rate of the fee refund after the underperformance of the undertaken availability is 10% of the monthly fee related to the given Service per underperformance, but not more than 100% of the monthly fee for the given month. In the case of a longer fee payment period, the monthly fee means the proportional part of the periodical fee for one month, so for example, in the case of annual fee payment, the monthly fee means 1/12 of the annual fee. The Service Provider shall credit the fee refund to the Subscriber's balance maintained in the customer system, at the Subscriber's request.

2.9. The Service Provider draws the Subscriber's attention to the fact that if a function or component operates with the indication "Beta", "Trial Operation" or similar, such function has not yet been fully tested, their operation is not guaranteed. Such availability or other level of service does not cover such features or components.

2.10. The Service Provider shall not be liable for damages resulting from the suspension of the Service beyond the amount of the penalty.

2.11. If the duration of the interruption due to an error attributable to the Service Provider

- in case of continuous interruption, 24 hours once, or

- 48 hours within 3 consecutive months

exceeds, it means a serious breach of the Contract by the Service Provider. In such a case, the Subscriber may terminate the Agreement with immediate effect.

2.12. In case of proven data loss due to the fault of the Service Provider, the Service Provider is obliged to pay a flat-rate compensation to the Subscriber. The amount of the flat-rate compensation is equal to the monthly fee for the Service, in case of advance payment, the amount of the fee for the given month. The Subscriber acknowledges that due to the peculiarities of the provision of the Services, the Service Provider is not responsible for the costs necessary to eliminate the damages caused by the loss of data.

2.13. The above restrictions do not apply to damage caused intentionally, through gross negligence or crime, as well as damage caused to life, physical integrity and health. The fees under the Contract have also been established with regard to the limitation of liability under this clause.

2.14. The Subscriber acknowledges that the operating parameters of the Service Packages are limited, overuse is not permitted, the use of higher or lower value operating parameters is only possible by changing the Service Package by ordering a Service Package with higher or lower operating parameters.

2.15 . Subscriber may not transfer the Service to third party (ies) without the prior permission of the Service Provider. Violation of this obligation shall be considered a serious breach of the Contract and the Service Provider is entitled to terminate the Contract with immediate effect.

2.16. Detailed technical terms and conditions of the Service, service quality requirements, and support services related to the Service (including maintenance windows) are included on the Service's website. The Service Provider is entitled to unilaterally modify these technical parameters, as follows:

- if the modification fundamentally affects the characteristics of the Service, the Service Provider is entitled to unilaterally modify them according to the rules of the GTC amendment;

- if the modification does not fundamentally affect the characteristics of the Service, the Service Provider is entitled to modify them unilaterally at any time, without a separate notification obligation.

2.17. The Service Provider is entitled (but not obliged) to periodically check the programs run by the Subscriber due to the observance of legality aspects. If it finds that the Subscriber violates the copyright and related rights laws of the Republic of Hungary or engages in any other act in violation of the Penal Code, it is entitled to suspend or limit the Service and terminate the Agreement with immediate effect.

2.18. The Service Provider and the Subscriber will do everything possible to prevent spamming. The Service Provider for the protection and continuous availability of the servers ensuring the running of the Services. In order to prevent attacks launched from the network, the Service Provider operated various protection systems, but nevertheless, Service fluctuations and Service outages caused by network attacks may occur, for which the Service Provider's liability for damages can be excluded.

2.19. The Service Provider is entitled to partially or completely restrict the Service if it detects a security incident, the source of which is the Subscriber's Service. Such security incidents include the following cases: spamming, hosting a phishing website, spreading malware, participating in a network attack.

2.20. For reasons attributable to the Subscriber, the Subscriber may:

- its activity towards the Service Provider is harmful, harmful or

- its activity and behavior towards the Service Provider on social norms goes beyond, violates human dignity and / or the Service Provider's right to good repute or

- another service provider that advertises its service related to the scope of the Service Provider's activities on the surfaces provided by the Service Provider and used by the Service Provider for communication or

- another service provider that advertises and / or indicates its service related to the scope of activity of the Service Provider on the interface operated by the Service Provider or

- complies with any of the provisions of clause 4.1 of this Contract

shall constitute a serious breach of this Contract by the Subscriber. In such case, the Service Provider may terminate the Contract with immediate effect of clauses 4.8 and 5.9 of this Contract .

2.21. The Subscriber is entitled to request assistance in connection with the Services leased from the Service Provider through the social channels provided by the Service Provider, for which assistance the Service Provider may charge a separate fee, which the Service Provider invoices to the Subscriber. Assistance provided for a separate fee is also a prepaid service, which activity starts when the Subscriber has settled its consideration to the Service Provider on the basis of the fee request issued by the Service Provider.

2.22. The Subscriber accepts the network usage guidelines supported by the Internet Service Providers Council (ISZT), which are http://www.iszt.hu/iszt/aup.html .

3. Fee payment

3.1. For the use of the Service, the Subscriber is obliged to pay a fee in advance for the period of his choice. The amount of the fees to be paid by the Subscriber is determined by the exact content of the Service on the basis of the current Tariff published by the Service Provider. The Service Provider shall invoice the Subscriber to the Subscriber in the next fee request after their occurrence.

3.2. At least 7 days before the start of the billing period, the Service Provider shall issue a fee request to the Subscriber for the due fee.

3.3. The Subscriber is obliged to pay the due fee by the following payment deadline indicated on the fee request:

- by credit card payment,

- payment in cryptocurrency,

- payment by bank transfer,

- PayPal payment.

3.4. PayPal and the credit card payment service provider are PayPal Inc. (parent company of PayPal (Europe) S.à rl et Cie, SCA, 22-24, Boulevard Royal, 2449, LUXEMBOURG, Luxembourg, telephone: +352 26 63 91 00, website: http://www.paypal.com ).

3.5. The credit card payment service provider is Stripe Inc. (parent company of PayPal (Europe) S.à rl et Cie, SCA, 22-24, Boulevard Royal, 2449, LUXEMBOURG, Luxembourg, telephone: +352 26 63 91 00, website: https: //www.stripe.com).

3.6. Payment in cryptocurrency is provided by CoinPayments Inc. (808 Nelson Street, Vancouver, British Columbia V6Z 2H2, CA, +1 778 990 9110, website: https://www.coinpayments.net).

3.7 . The payment is considered completed when it is credited to the Service Provider in full in the currency of the invoice. The Service Provider issues a paper-based or equivalent invoice to the Subscriber.

3.8. The Subscriber is obliged to pay the due regular fee on time, even if he has not received the relevant fee request by this deadline; however, it is obliged to notify the Service Provider immediately in such a case.

3.9. The Service Provider issues a paper-based invoice for the fee in accordance with the provisions of the relevant legislation. The Subscriber acknowledges and accepts that the Service Provider issues a paper-based invoice to the Subscriber based on the data provided by the Subscriber during registration and sends it in PDF format to the e-mail address provided by the Subscriber during registration.

3.10. In cases where the Subscriber is entitled to a fee refund, the Service Provider shall, at its request, make the refund in the payment method and currency used for the settlement of the relevant invoice. The Service Provider will execute the refund within 7 days after deducting the Subscriber's indication - after deducting its own costs or other handling costs. The Subscriber will be notified by e-mail about the execution of the refund. The Service Provider will issue an invoice for the incurred management costs.

Prepays for the service for each fee payment period you select during your order, for which we will issue a fee request at least 5 days prior to the billing period. If there are one-time fees, they will be billed on the next fee request. We will only pay in HUF (HUF) and the invoice will be issued in such currency. The invoice is paper-based, which will be sent as a PDF attached document with the data provided during registration and to the e-mail address, which should be considered before printing. You have to pay by the deadline indicated on the fee request, you have the option to settle your account with a credit card payment or PayPal payment. Once we have credited the amount, we will issue a valid invoice. If you have not received your request, you should notify us immediately.

4. Responsibility

4.1. Subscriber may use the Service only for lawful purposes and in a manner. The Subscriber is liable for damages and other possible violations caused by it to the Service Provider or third parties (SPAM, phising, violation of intellectual property protection, DDoS, other Abuse).

4.2. Subscriber is responsible for the security of the programs he installs. It will do everything in its power to update the programs it installs to prevent hacking.

4.3. The Subscriber is obliged to provide secure passwords to the user accounts created by him and to use the passwords responsibly so that they are not disclosed to third parties. The Subscriber is liable for any damages resulting from unauthorized access.

4.4. Service Provider is not responsible if its partner service providers (from whom it uses a network access service) restrict or filter traffic due to a network incident. The Subscriber makes every effort to ensure that no event occurs that would constitute a security incident or damage to other service providers.

4.5. The Subscriber shall take all reasonable steps to prevent copyrighted works from being illegally removed from or included in its network. The Service Provider may restrict the Service or, in justified cases, terminate the Agreement with immediate effect in the event of a breach reported by a software manufacturer, publisher, other rights holder or its representative.

4.6. In the event of a data loss due to a proven error of the Service Provider, the Service Provider will reimburse the amount of the monthly fee for the relevant Service based on the Subscriber's claim for compensation. The Subscriber acknowledges that due to the peculiarities of the provision of the Services, the Service Provider is not liable in addition for the damages resulting from the loss of data or lost profits, or for the costs necessary to eliminate the damages incurred.

4.7. Unless otherwise provided in the Order Form, the Service Provider's liability for damages not covered by the previous paragraph and falling within the Service Provider's liability is also limited to a maximum of 3 months' regular fee to be paid by the Subscriber to the Service Provider under the Contract.

4.8. The above limitations do not apply to damage caused intentionally, by gross negligence or by a criminal offence, to life, body or health, or to serious breach of the Contract by the Subscriber. The fees under the Contract have also been determined with regard to the limitation of liability under this clause.

4.9. The Subscriber acknowledges that the files made available or transmitted on the Internet within the framework of the Service, the electronic commerce services in relation to the information society services provided, and the Eker on certain issues of information society services. TV. the Subscriber qualifies as the service provider responsible for the content.

4.10. The Eker. TV. the Service Provider qualifies as an intermediary service provider with respect to the Service, thus Eker. TV. According to its rules, the Service Provider is not liable for the infringing content placed by the Subscriber on the Service Provider's repositories within the framework of the Service. If the Service Provider is Eker. TV. You will receive a notification pursuant to Section 13 (1) referring to an infringement, hereinafter referred to as Eker. TV. Act in accordance with the measures pursuant to Section 13 (notification-removal procedure). It shall not be considered a breach of contract if the Service Provider removes the infringing data placed by the Subscriber on its storage site or restricts access to the data within the framework of the notification-removal procedure.

4.11. If the court acting in criminal cases has ordered the temporary or permanent unavailability of the electronic data stored on the Service Provider's repository, the Service Provider shall issue the Eker on the basis of the relevant decision of the court. TV. 12 / Act in accordance with the provisions of Section A and temporarily or permanently remove the electronic data indicated in the court decision from its storage location. The Service Provider shall carry out the temporary or permanent removal of the electronic data within one working day after the receipt of the court decision and shall immediately inform the relevant Subscriber or, if the stored electronic data was publicly available, inform the users of the repository. This procedure of the Service Provider does not count as a breach of the Contract.

4.12. If the court later terminates the temporary inaccessibility or obliges the Service Provider to restore the electronic data at the end of the criminal proceedings, the Service Provider shall comply with this within one working day after receiving the court decision.

4.13. The Service Provider shall keep the documents and certificates related to the Contract and the data in its possession for the purpose of enforcing the claims related to the Service for one year from the date of termination of the Contract, but for at least five years from the entry into force of the Contract.

4.14. The Subscriber acknowledges that the Service Provider is not responsible for the removal or termination of the provision of access to the relevant information / electronic data in connection with the notification-removal procedure and the temporary or permanent unavailability of unlawfully published electronic data.

4.15. In the event of a claim against the Service Provider by third parties related to the notification-removal procedure and the contents involved in the temporary or permanent unavailability of electronically published data, the Subscriber is obliged to replace the Service Provider or, if there is an obstacle, provide all assistance in resolving the claim. for effective defense. The Subscriber is obliged to reimburse the costs of such procedures to the Service Provider and to do everything possible to ensure that the Service Provider is not harmed.

4.16. The Subscriber is fully liable for any damages caused by him in the data of the Service Provider in accordance with the rules of civil law.

4.17. Neither Party shall be liable for non-performance or defective performance of its obligations under this Agreement in cases of unforeseeable circumstances (force majeure) beyond the control of either Party that prevent performance of this Agreement. Such circumstances: acts of war, insurrection, sabotage, blasting or other emergency, elemental disaster, flood, fire, lightning or other natural disaster, cessation of work, action at the disposal of bodies authorized under the Defense Act, the Police Act.

4.18. Subscriber acknowledges that the Service Provider is entitled to use a subcontractor or other contributor to fulfill any of its contractual obligations. Subscriber may use a subcontractor (performance assistant) to perform his obligations under the Contract, but shall be liable for their activities as if he had performed them himself.

4.19. Disclaimer of Liability Regarding the Use of Silverhost Web Application Firewall (hereinafter: SWAF)

4.19.1. By using the SWAF Service, the Subscriber acknowledges and accepts that the protection provided by the SWAF Service does not guarantee the prevention of all possible attacks, cybersecurity threats, or data breaches. The Supplier assumes no responsibility for any data protection incidents, data loss, data breaches, or any other security issues arising from the use of the system.

4.19.2. Furthermore, the Supplier is not liable for any direct or indirect damages resulting from the issues outlined in section 4.19.1, including but not limited to financial loss, business loss, reputational damage, loss of profits, data loss, or any other direct or indirect consequences that may affect the Subscriber or, directly or indirectly, third parties through the Subscriber. The Supplier assumes no responsibility for any damages resulting from the malfunction of the SWAF Service, including damages suffered by third parties as a result.

4.19.3. The Subscriber is fully responsible for the security of the data managed by them and for any potential data protection consequences arising from the use of the Service. All further measures and responsibilities for protecting the data lie with the Subscriber.

You may use our Services only for lawful purposes and in a manner that is responsible for any damages and other violations that may occur. You are also responsible for the security of the installed programs, for updating them, and for preventing them from being hacked. You must use secure passwords and not disclose them to unauthorized persons. Damage caused by unauthorized access is your responsibility. We are not responsible for the limitations of our partner providers due to a network incident. You must prevent all copyrighted works from entering or leaving the illegal network in any way that is expected. Upon notice, we may restrict or terminate your service. If it is proven that the data was lost through our fault, we will refund the monthly fee for the service. We will not reimburse the costs of other damages due to the specifics of the service. You are a content provider under applicable law. You are also responsible for the infringing content, if we receive an ex officio request for such data, we will take legal action to limit the infringing data. A temporary or permanent unavailability shall be carried out within one working day of receipt of the court decision and shall be notified immediately. We will terminate the inaccessibility and restore the data within one day of receiving the mandatory court decision. We will keep the documents and data related to your contract for at least one and a maximum of five years from the termination of the contract. If you cause damage to our data, you are fully liable for damages. In the event of force majeure, neither you nor we will be liable for non-performance or faulty performance of a contractual obligation. We may subcontract any of our obligations or subcontractors, but we are responsible for their actions as if we had performed them ourselves.

5. Scope and Termination of the Agreement

5.1. The Contract is concluded for an indefinite period of time for the conclusion of contracts on the online interface, as specified on the Service Provider's website.

5.2. The process of concluding the contract:

The Subscriber can send his order online to the Service Provider on the Service Provider's website.

Under the Order interface, the Subscriber:

- if you are not registered, the Subscriber must register an account on the Service Provider's website,

- you must log in to the Service Provider's website, fill in your personal data with the real data under the "My Profile" menu item, < br />
- you must select the Service Package you want to order,

- on the "Cart" page you must check your own data and the Service Package you want to order,

- The Subscriber must finalize his order.

5.3. It is possible to correct data entry errors through the interface until the order is finalized.

5.4. It is possible to place an order or enter into a contract in Hungarian. The GTC for the Service is available in Hungarian.

5.5. The Service Provider confirms the arrival of the sent order to the Subscriber by automatic confirmation email no later than 48 hours after its arrival, which confirmation email contains the data provided by the Subscriber during the purchase or registration, the order number and the date of the order. This confirmation email is considered as acceptance of the order made by the Subscriber by the Service Provider. By accepting the order, a valid contract is concluded between the Service Provider and the Subscriber. If the confirmation is not received by the Subscriber within 48 hours of the receipt of the order, or the Service Provider does not accept the Subscriber's order, the Subscriber is released from the obligation to place an order. An automatic confirmation email received more than 48 hours after the Subscriber's order shall not be considered as acceptance of the order by the Service Provider.

5.6. A contract concluded via the Service Provider's website is not considered to be in writing, it is not registered by the Service Provider.

5.8. Either Party may terminate this Agreement without giving reasons. The Subscriber has the option to terminate the Agreement with immediate effect or on the last day of the current billing period. Until the end of the notice period, the Service Provider is obliged to provide the Services and the Subscriber to pay the relevant fees. The Service Provider may terminate the contract with ordinary termination on the last day of the current paid invoicing period.

5.9. Either Party may terminate this Agreement with immediate effect if the other Party seriously violates its obligations under the Agreement.

5.10. Termination of the Agreement may be made in writing, by e-mail, on the Service Provider's online customer service or on the relevant interface of the Service if the Service has a relevant interface.

5.11. Until the termination of the Agreement, the Subscriber is obliged to remove the programs and data uploaded by him within the framework of the Service. Upon termination, such programs and data will be automatically deleted.

The contract concluded on our online interface is concluded for an indefinite period. The process of concluding the contract is described step by step, the data provided during the process can be improved until the order is finalized. The order will be confirmed by automatic mail within 48 hours. Confirmation means the acceptance of the order by us, this creates a valid contract. If no confirmation is received within 48 hours or we do not accept the order, the contract will not be concluded. If you receive an automatic confirmation email after 48 hours, it will no longer be considered an acceptance of the order on our part. A contract concluded on the website does not constitute a written contract and will not be filed. The contract may be terminated by either party without giving reasons. You can schedule the termination immediately or on the last day of the current billing period. If you wish to terminate your contract, you may do so in writing, by e-mail or on the relevant interface of the Service (if such Service has such an interface). Upon termination, all data will be automatically deleted.

6. Change Agreement

6.1. The Subscriber is entitled to independently modify the technical parameters related to the Service used by the Service Provider through the online interface provided by the Service Provider, if the online interface provided by the Service Provider allows it. The Service Provider is entitled to refuse the change only if it does not have sufficient capacity to provide the modified Service or if the technical conditions necessary for the provision of the Service are not met (incorrect configuration).

6.2. The Service Provider provides the expansion of the used Services as follows:

- it is possible to change only from the Service Package with the same theme to the Service Package with the same theme,

- it is only possible to modify it with the Service Package with higher parameters,

- before the modification, the Service Provider makes the time-proportionate part of this Service Package available to the Subscriber in the form of a code that can be credited upon ordering;

- the Subscriber enters the Service Provider's online interface , by validating the given code, credits the time-proportionate fee of the previous Service Package and then finalizes your order,

- the Service Provider provides the Subscriber with 24 hours to transfer its data to the modified Service's repository; br />
- after 24 hours, the Service Provider will save the storage space belonging to the modified Service Package with smaller parameters and ann k deletes all data.

6.3. The Service Provider is entitled to regularly review and, if necessary, amend the Tariff for the Service, taking into account the market conditions and the Tariff of the contributors used by it. The Service Provider is obliged to notify the Subscriber in writing or by e-mail of the amendment of the Tariff at least 7 days prior to its entry into force. The amendment does not affect fees that are already in progress and are due to be paid in the current period.6.4. The Service Provider may also, in justified cases, request the amendment of the terms and conditions of the Contract. In this case, the Service Provider is obliged to send the amended contract text (or the reference to the amended contract) to the Subscriber in writing or by e-mail at least 7 days before the amendment enters into force. If the Subscriber does not terminate the Agreement with ordinary termination within 7 days after sending the Service Provider's amendment proposal, the Service Provider's amendment proposal shall be deemed accepted by the Subscriber.

6.5. Any other amendments to the Agreement shall be valid only by mutual agreement in writing.

6.6. If the Subscriber requests the participation of the Service Provider for a contract amendment, which he could do independently on the online service interface provided by the Service Provider, the Service Provider is entitled to charge a separate fee for the amendment.

You can change the parameters of the service through our Customer Portal interface. In some cases, the change cannot be made. We can only refuse the change if we do not have enough capacity or if the new settings are incorrect. In case of expansion, the modification is possible on a similar-to-similar basis, eg from web hosting to web hosting. It is advisable to use the Service Provider's free assistance in the process of the modification, the modification always involves ordering a new Service, during which the fee difference must be settled using the coupon credit provided by the Service Provider. Resource reduction based modification is not possible. We will notify you of any changes to the tariff 7 days before it takes effect. The GTC may be amended only in justified cases, we will send a written or e-mail notification of its entry into force at least 7 days in advance. If you do not cancel your service within 7 days of submission, the changes will be deemed accepted. Any other part of the contract may only be amended by mutual agreement in writing .

7. Collaborate and stay in touch

7.1. The parties will accept the email in a formal written form in their communication with each other. The official way of notification is by email. The Service Provider sends all notifications and notifications to the Subscriber by e-mail.

7.2. The Subscriber and the Service Provider are obliged to cooperate, in the course of which they are obliged to immediately inform the other Party in writing about all material circumstances related to the performance of the Contract. In urgent cases, messages sent by telephone must be confirmed in writing (by confirmed email or registered mail).

7.3. Subscriber enters his data on the Order Form.

7.4. Subscriber is obliged to provide real data when ordering and using the Service. Subscriber is responsible for keeping his / her contact details up to date, if there is a change in any of the data, he / she is obliged to update the changed data within 7 days on the available online interface. The Service Provider is entitled to verify the provided data and, at its discretion, to request additional identification data or documents from the Subscriber. In the event of the Subscriber's failure to make such a call in this direction, the Service Provider is entitled to suspend, restrict or refuse to start the Service.

7.5. Subscriber is entitled to change the notification addresses provided on the Order Form on the online service interface assigned for this purpose. The Service Provider is entitled to change the notification addresses provided on the Order Form with the written notice of the Subscriber 8 days in advance. The Subscriber is obliged to provide a private e-mail address for contact, which is not assigned to the number within the framework of the Service and is also available in case of possible restriction or termination of the Service.

7.6. The Service Provider identifies the Subscriber on the basis of the email address provided during the contact, so the Subscriber is obliged to contact the Service Provider with the help of the email address provided during the contact.

7.7. In cases where the Contract allows communication by e-mail, the e-mail shall be deemed to have been delivered on the 2nd working day after sending, unless the failure to deliver the message was indicated by an error message to the sending Party.

7.8. In case of urgent action, the Service Provider will try to contact the Subscriber at the contact details provided by the Subscriber. If the Subscriber is not available, the Service Provider - taking into account the interests of the Subscriber - shall act at its own discretion, in the framework of which it may take the necessary measures. In such a case, the Service Provider is not liable for these measures. In other cases, the Service Provider modifies or deletes the data uploaded by the Subscriber only with the Subscriber's authorization.

7.9. The Service Provider is entitled to use a subcontractor or other contributor in the provision of the Service, even without the separate consent of the Subscriber.

7.10. Subscriber may not transfer the Service to third parties without the prior written permission of the Service Provider. Breach of this obligation constitutes a serious breach of contract by the Subscriber.

7.11. The Subscriber acknowledges that in certain cases (eg in the case of a telephone support request) the Service Provider may request and verify the personal data of the person acting and may make the provision of the requested (support, etc.) service conditional on successful identification.

7.12. The Service Provider is entitled to monitor its systems for the security of its devices and network, and in justified cases it may take extraordinary and immediate measures to protect its own network, the Subscriber's network and the network of others; in such case, the Subscriber may not assert a claim for damages against the Service Provider in the event of any restriction of the Service or other damage.

7.13. The Service Provider cooperates with the acting authorities and courts in order to detect any violations; in this context, the Service Provider shall in particular comply with any request for information from such authorities or courts. In such a case, the Subscriber may not assert a claim for damages.

7.14. In matters not regulated above, the Parties shall comply with the provisions of the Civil Code. the jurisdiction of the court with territorial jurisdiction shall be accepted and, in the event of a dispute, the jurisdiction of the court having territorial jurisdiction shall be recognized.

The official form of communication between each other is the email. The official method of notification is also e-mail, all notifications and notifications are sent by e-mail. We must inform each other in writing of any material circumstances relating to the performance of the contract. In case of urgent telephone information, the messages must be confirmed in writing. The contact details provided on the order form must be provided to you. This information must be true, if there is a change in anything, you must change it through the customer portal within 7 days. To stay in touch, you must provide email addresses that are not related to the service and will remain available in the event of any restriction or termination of the service. You can only contact us using the e-mail addresses provided for contact purposes, and we will be able to identify you based on this. The email will be deemed to have been delivered within the second business day of sending, unless we receive an error message about the sending. In urgent cases, we will try to contact you at the contact details provided - if we fail, we will act at our own discretion. In order to detect possible violations, we cooperate with the authorities and courts, in such cases you cannot file a claim for damages. What is not fixed in these GTC, the Civil Code. and in the event of a dispute, the territorial court may be seised.

These Terms and Conditions are effective May 21, 2021.
