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Voice servers, bots

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Voice servers, bots

Sound servers eg TS3, Mumble, TeamSpeak, various sticks eg Discord, music bots etc. storage locations suitable for running.

Our prices are constantly updated depending on the EUR and HUNT exchange rates, as well as electricity prices!

Web Console

Built-in console inside the interface.


Schedule when and how often your server will restart, when and what files to delete regularly, etc ...


Each server comes with a database with a phpMyAdmin interface.


Upload your server files securely, quickly.


The quick download link is automatically created by the server and set to the required directories and files required for games.

Easy to use

You can even start your game server through our client system.

Player Monitor

Player Monitor for compatible game servers (eg Minecraft, CSGO, CS1.6, etc.) that allows you to easily review the players on your server.

File manager, file editor

File manager with "drag and drop" file upload option. File Editor with customizable code highlighting for easy code editing.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are you an official TS3 service provider?

NO! We provide you with a server where you can run your TS3 server 24 hours a day. This saves you the cost of purchasing, maintaining, and operating your own machine (electricity, cooling, etc.).

How to make more than 32 slots?

You can view the current license fees on the following page (which is the official site of TeamSpeak): https://www.teamspeak.com/en/features/pricing/ As you will see you can choose from 64 slots up to 1024 slots from $ 55 (~ 16500 HUF ) - up to $ 500 (~ 148500 HUF) ANNUAL. Short calculation for 60 slots: eg: per month for some Hungarian service providers it is: 3000 HUF/month - 3100 HUF/month it is smart for Silverhost: 225 HUF/month + 1375 (16500/12) = 1600 HUF/month and you get 4 slots more (64 slot license), you save more than 1000 HUF per month. Interestingly, some providers even charge a fee for 10-20-30-32 slots, even though there is a 32-slot free license that is basic at Silverhost. Important to note: Silverhost only charges for the use of resources, NOT for the use of a free license, or for the use of another license!

Is it so legal? You are not even a reseller!

It's legal. Silverhost is NOT a reseller of TeamSpeak, does not sell its services. The neccecery official license to use it, you can buy directly from TeamSpeak (if you encounter an obstacle, our Customer Service will be at your disposal for FREE), so there is no brokerage fee and no additional costs. Silverhost just provides the storage space wich is needed to run TeamSpeak. With this smart solution, you can save more than 1000 HUF per month, and most importantly, YOU control your own server, as YOU run it with full access.

What system do you use?

We use the Pterodactyl system, it is characterized by a simple modern interface.

More information about the server? Memory, CPU, etc.

Processor: AMD Ryzen™ 9 3900X Memory: 128 GB DDR4 RAM Hard Disk: 2x 1 TB NVME SSD RAID 1 Server room: Germany Security: Premium DDOS protection

Where are the servers?

The game servers , VPS and web server machines are in Germany, average ping 15-25. Within the service structure of Hetzner Online GmbH and Contabo GmbH, with a unique administration interface.

Are DDOS protected servers?

The game servers and web server machines are built into the service structure of Hetzner Online GmbH and are housed in a server room protected by a hardware firewall with multi-layer Arbor and Juniper hardware. VPSs built into the service structure of Contabo GmbH are protected by Contabo's unique firewall protection system, VPSs built into the service structure of Hetzner Online GmbH are protected by firewalls with multi-layer Arbor and Juniper hardware.

On average, how much memory does a user use on a Teamspeak3 server?

About 50 MB of memory!

How the backup works?

The backup is manual and automatic, Silverhost backs up your sound game server automatically 3 times (1 per day)! If you buy a backup you can also create a backup in addition to the automatic backups!

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